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Which jobs are most at risk of automation?

Which jobs will be automated in the future? Always consider the longevity of a career before you take the plunge.

Which jobs are most at risk of automation?

Is your job at risk of being automated? In today’s fast-progressing society, technology is proving to be a popular alternative to manpower in the business world. That means more and more jobs are becoming automated, leaving many employees at risk of unemployment. In fact, around 1.5 million jobs in England are at risk of automation. Unfortunately, there’s not a lot that can be done to stop this trend, but you can take action by learning about which jobs will be lost to automation and planning your next career move accordingly!

Which jobs will be lost to automation?

Jobs that are low-skilled, mundane and repetitive tend to be at more risk of automation. 

Waiters and waitresses

Unfortunately, the future for waiters and waitresses doesn’t look too bright. Recent data showed this occupation is at the highest risk of being automated in England. We can already see this is happening with more and more self-service restaurants coming into play. The pandemic has definitely sped up the automation process with more restaurants introducing QR codes for customers to order at their table without any interaction with a waiter/waitress.


It’s becoming more commonplace to go to a supermarket and have no interaction with any members of staff. Since supermarkets started introducing self-service checkouts, the need for cashiers is decreasing. When you go to a supermarket, you’ll notice an increasing amount of checkout space being taken up by self-service counters.

Customer service/receptionist

In today’s world, it’s very common to find customer service assistants and receptionists have been replaced by automated services or chat bots. Although most companies will provide some form of human interaction, many basic queries are now handled through automation to save the company time and money. As artificial intelligence becomes more sophisticated, it’s likely that more and more customer service/receptionist duties will get automated.

Manufacturing and textiles

Many jobs within manufacturing and textiles have been automated in recent years and will continue to go down the same path as technology advances. Many seamstresses, tailors and weavers have been replaced by machines, as have many manufacturing jobs like machine operators, fabricators and assemblers.

Which jobs are safe from automation?

Jobs that require higher education and involve a high level of human interaction and emotional intelligence tend to be at less risk of automation. These also tend to be high-paying careers.

Medical practitioners

Medical practitioners, like doctors and surgeons, will always be in demand. These types of roles depend heavily on human interaction, with medical practitioners using face to face interaction to help diagnose and cure patients. Although this field is heavily supported by AI and technology, the demand for medical practitioners hasn’t decreased and technology will always only play a role that supports doctors rather than taking over. Currently, the NHS is short of around 50,000 doctors. 

Higher education teaching

Higher education is any education that takes place when you leave school, like college and university study. Higher education teaching relies a lot on engaging students, and developing a tailored approach to assist each individual in their studies. Due to the level of interaction and expertise required for these types of roles, they’re at very low risk of being automated.


Dental jobs are not likely to be automated by AI or machines in the near future. A study showed only 13% of dental tasks could actually be automated. The role of a dentist relies on a lot of physical and mental skill, precision and patient interaction. So there’s little chance this profession will be taken over by robots!


Psychology is a profession that’s entirely centred around human interaction. Psychologists study human behaviour for many years before taking on any clients, and their work involves talk therapy with their patients. They wouldn’t be able to carry out their role without a high level of emotional intelligence – something that machines will never be able to replace. 

Make smart choices

In the short-term, any of the above job opportunities are viable. But when it comes to considering long-term career routes, it makes sense to assess how easily each profession can be automated so you don’t find yourself out of work further down the line! To find potential jobs, it’s a good idea to look up the fastest growing industries.

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