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Can you find a job on SonicJobs?

Is SonicJobs worth your time? Find out why thousands of users are using our app in place of job boards.

Can you find a job on SonicJobs?

Finding a job can be a draining process, there’s no doubt about that. Between the stress of managing your finances, balancing your current role and applying for jobs, it’s no wonder people dread the job hunt process. So to make things easier, you want to use the right job hunting tools that will serve as a helping hand, not a hindrance.

With SonicJobs, you can find it all. Full-time, part-time, remote working and zero experience jobs. All within our mobile app. Our app allows you to build a CV, search for jobs near you, and apply with one tap, all from your phone. 

Can I trust SonicJobs?

Yes, you can trust SonicJobs. Not heard of us before? We’re actually partnered with some of the UK’s biggest job platforms like Indeed, Totaljobs and CV Library. Within our app, you’ll find all the same jobs as these sites, plus maaany more.

How to search for a job

We don’t do complicated, so navigating our app is easy peasy. Here are the steps you can take once you’ve downloaded our app: 

Step 1: Build your profile

Before you jump into applying for roles, you’ll want to beautify your profile. Head over to the ‘Profile’ section of our app and answer the questions about your professional experience. This is what employers will see when they view your profile, so be sure to take care when filling out this section.

Step 2: Search and apply

Okay, so now you get to search for jobs and apply with one tap by clicking on the ‘Find jobs’ tab! You can filter your job search by the following filters:

  • Location
  • Commute
  • Job title
  • Full-time / part-time
  • No experience
  • Job category (retail / admin / Amazon / work from home jobs etc)

Step 3: Turn on notifications and Smart Apply

Once you’ve got the ball rolling, head over to Setting to turn on job alerts. This way, you’ll be the first to hear about any new opportunities.

You can also turn on our Smart Apply feature. This feature applies for matching jobs on your behalf, so you can carry out your job hunt whilst running a busy schedule!

Step 4: Monitor your applications

Finally, sit back and monitor your applications and messages. If employers like the look of your profile, they can reach out to you with any questions directly in the app!

Is SonicJobs the best job site?

SonicJobs is the best job hunting app on the market. We recently won the award for being the fastest growing business app in the UK. We have the UK’s largest database of jobs, with over half a million live vacancies across the nation.

Here are just a few of the reasons why our users love SonicJobs:

  • One tap apply – you’ll never have to fill out a lengthy application form on our app. You’ll only ever need to tap once to apply for a job.
  • Mobile – having our job search app on your phone means you can apply for jobs on the go whether on your lunch break or on your commute to work.
  • CV building tool – we make CV building quick and painless with our CV building tool. Just answer a few questions to create your CV.
  • No third party sites – you’ll never get redirected to another site. What happens in SonicJobs stays in SonicJobs!
  • Job alerts – be the first to know whenever a matching job gets posted with alerts straight to your phone.
  • Smart Apply – if you’re running a busy schedule, Smart Apply will automatically apply for matching jobs on your behalf, saving you time!
  • Manage all your vacancies in one place – gone are the days of having to manage applications on multiple sites. With SonicJobs, you can keep it all in one place.

Ready to get hired?

If you’re ready to find a job, we’re ready to help you land one as quickly as possible. Instead of managing vacancies on different sites, you can keep your entire job search neatly tucked into your phone with the SonicJobs app. Let’s get you the job you deserve!



2 years ago



2 years ago

Not yet 🖑

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