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Is it too late to change careers?

It’s never too late to switch careers. But it can be a lengthy process – so follow our tips to help you land the role of your dreams!

Is it too late to change careers?

Do you want to change careers but are worried it’s too late? It’s normal for people to consider a job move at some point in their career, but what if you’re in the latter half of your career? You might be worried that employers won’t want you because of your age, or perhaps you’re lacking the confidence to do it because it’s too far out of your comfort zone.

The truth is, you can switch careers at any point in your life. If you no longer feel passionate about your career, you have every right to launch a new job search.

  • You’ve lost the passion for your role
  • There’s been a change in management
  • Your company is stagnating
  • You want a more competitive package
  • Another career path has your heart
  • You’ve progressed as far as possible

Reasons to change careers at any age

1. You’ve lost the passion for your role

Perhaps you can remember a time when you used to love going to work and getting stuck in. But maybe you realise you haven’t felt that way about your job in a long time. If your job isn’t fulfilling you and has become more of a tick box exercise, this is a strong sign that you’ve lost your passion for your work. This happens to a lot of people. Don’t feel guilty – moving onto a different career path will be the better option for both you and your employer.

2. There’s been a change in management

If there’s recently been a change in management that isn’t quite gelling with you, that’s okay. It’s important for you to have a good relationship with your management team. If that’s not possible, it’s a good idea to find a role where you have better rapport. This will only help to bring the best out in you.

3. Your company is stagnating

Maybe you’ve got bags of enthusiasm but your company doesn’t have the energy to match. This can be frustrating, especially when you’re wanting to run full steam ahead and help the company progress closer to their goals. You need to find an employer that appreciates your energy levels and encourages you to bring new ideas to the table.

4. You want a more competitive package

Wanting a more competitive package is a completely valid reason to want a change in career. Perhaps your field doesn’t pay that well in general. Just bear in mind you may need to retrain in a different skill set before applying for new jobs.

5. Another career path has your heart

Is there something you’ve always wanted to do in life but never had the faith to take the leap? Now is your time. If you don’t do it now, you never will. As long as you’ve got passion and determination, you’ll make a success of whatever your chosen path. 

6. You’ve progressed as far as possible

Perhaps you’ve been with the same company for quite some time and have progressed as far as you can. That’s okay! You could have the greatest employer but this doesn’t mean you have to stay with them for your entire career. Recognise when you’ve reached your full potential and it’s time to move on.

How to change careers at an older age

  • Invest in your development – sometimes switching careers means learning a new skill or completing a course. This will help you become more attractive to prospective employers.
  • Network – use LinkedIn, events and webinars to expand your network. You never know who will be able to open that next door for you.
  • Update your CV – your CV needs updating with all the skills you’ve acquired from your most recent role. Follow our CV tips to perfect yours.
  • Apply for jobs daily – once you’ve clarified what career path you’d like to pursue, make sure you apply for jobs daily to speed up the process and give you the best possible chance of success.
  • Stay patient – switching careers isn’t an overnight fix. Often, it can take several months by the time you’ve retrained or completed a course. Get clear on your dream job and commit to the job search process.

That ship has not sailed

It’s never too late to find a new job. You must remember that employers are always on the lookout for enthusiastic and passionate employees… no matter what your age! The most important thing is the value you’ll bring to a company, not your date of birth. So never let yourself think it’s too late. It may not happen overnight but it will be worth it in the end!

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