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What are transferable skills?

What are transferable skills? Take a look at our list of transferable skills for your CV!

What are transferable skills?

Every job gives you transferable skills. These are the skills that you can use for many jobs, even if they’re completely different. So whatever job you’re applying to, think about all the skills you can bring across from your previous roles.

Check out our list of transferable skills for your CV.

  • IT
  • Customer service
  • Problem-solving
  • Leadership
  • Critical thinking
  • Teamwork
  • Project management
  • Research
  • Delegation
  • Time management

Examples of transferable skills


IT skills are extremely transferable. Most white collar jobs will involve some IT work. You may need to use a particular software. Or maybe you just need to send emails on a daily basis. Either way, being able to show you’re confident using computers is an important skill for your CV.

Customer service

If you’ve ever worked with customers, you can include customer service on your CV. This is an excellent skill to offer employers. Customer service is useful for industries like hospitality and sales.


Problems arise in ANY job. That’s why problem-solving is an invaluable skill to offer. Every employer wants to know their employees can resolve problems. Be an employee that finds solutions, not problems.


Leadership is a great transferable skill. Leaders are hard to find. But if you can show employers you’ve led people, this will look great on your CV. But don’t worry if you’ve not led a team in a workplace environment. You could have been the leader of a sports team or even of a group task at school or university.

Critical thinking

Critical thinking is having the ability to think differently and challenge ideas. Employers love critical thinkers because this is what helps businesses to grow. For example, finding ways to streamline a process is a great example of critical thinking. It shows you challenged a pre-existing idea. And you found a new and better way of doing it instead.


Teamwork is a ‘must-have’ for transferable skills. Most employers will look for team players. Without teamwork, most companies will fail to grow. So if you’ve ever worked as part of a team, be sure to include this in your CV. And if you don’t have work experience, think about any times you were part of a team in sports or at school/college.

Project management

Project management is a fantastic skill. It shows you’re organised and can plan ahead. This will be a great skill to offer if you’re applying for roles like project management, administration or personal assistants. 


Being good at research can be an advantage in many jobs. Not everyone has the ability to conduct research. It takes time, patience and organisation. So if you have experience with research, mention this skill in your CV.


Delegation is a rare and valuable skill. Particularly if you want to move into a management position. Managers need to be able to delegate tasks to others. And this is often where many new managers go wrong. So if you’re applying for leadership positions, think of times where you’ve delegated tasks.

Time management

Being able to manage your time properly is an essential skill for EVERY role. This is something every employer will value. You need to manage your time properly to complete projects, attend meetings, and generally perform your role to a high standard. Using daily planners and online calendars are great examples of time management!

You have a lot to offer!

If you feel like you don’t have much to offer, think again. Every job gives you a ton of transferable skills. And even if you don’t have work experience, you’ll have gained transferable skills from school, college and university! 

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2 years ago


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