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Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the questions we get asked the most!

With our job search engine, you get:

  • Access to over 500K jobs from all over the web.
  • Unlike other job boards, you will not be redirected to other sites.
  • You will not be asked to repeatedly upload or create your CV.
  • We use technology to make sure you are only asked questions concerning your specific application.

The process is simple;

  • Firstly, you need to search for a job that meets your needs
  • When you press apply, our chat assistant Julie will take you through a simple process to enter your email address to for employers to be able to contact you
  • Then you will be asked to upload/create your resume
  • Julie may then ask you a few questions related to the particular job you are applying for
  • Once you have completed this just confirm and complete the application
  • Go to the profile section
  • Press on the ‘View My CV’
  • At the bottom of the screen, you will see ‘Replace CV’
  • Press the ‘Replace CV’ button, find the CV you wish to upload
  • Select your CV and press ‘Use this CV’
  • The system will extract information from your CV and ask you to confirm the details are correct
  • (you will need to use the SonicJobs app to do this)

You can only delete your CV by deleting your account. To do this you need to go to the profile section, click on the settings icon in the top right-pre corner, then select Delete your account.

Your account can be created as soon as you are ready to apply for a job. Firstly, search for a job of your choice, when you click on apply our chat assistant Julie takes you through a simple process of creating your account by allowing you to upload your CV or helping you create your CV by asking you your details.

If you are struggling to find exactly what you are looking for:

  • Make sure you have your location set correctly
  • Try expanding the area in which you are looking for a job for
  • Think about what else this job might be referred to as, for example, Warehouse Operative, Warehouse Assistant
  • Make sure you have clicked on either full time/part-time or both
  • Try refining your search using the filters - most recent. Most relevant.

We only share your information with publishers of the job adverts you apply for. Please refer to our privacy policy and T’s and C’s.

Simply click on the tab area where you are searching and enter in your postcode/zipcode or town/city and then select from the suggestion drop-down.

If you can not find the support you are looking for in the FAQ’s please email us at

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