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👺 😍 Remote working: love or hate?

Did you know, in 2020 the number of employees working from home almost doubled?!

👺 😍 Remote working: love or hate?

Hello! Julie here 👋 Did you know, in 2020 the number of employees working from home almost doubled?! Now, remote working is offered as standard by many companies.

Whilst lots of people enjoy remote working, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea… ☕


👍 Saves time and money 

With no daily commute to work, you save yourself time and money. You can use those extra hours to catch up on your sleep!

👍 More job opportunities

With more companies offering remote working, you can now apply for jobs in different cities. This is particularly true for people working in customer service and tech (check out our remote working jobs).

👍 The comfort factor

When working from home, you can be as comfortable as you like (yes, that means working in your pjs some days!). 


👎 Hard to concentrate

WFH = distractions galore. It can be really tempting to pay a visit to the fridge, or stick on the TV, or you might just struggle to block out the noise in the rest of the house.

👎 Work and home life blur

Under normal circumstances, you get to separate work and home life with the help of an office. But when it’s all under one roof, it can be tempting to continue working if you have a heavy workload.

👎 Lack of team spirit

Although you might have a daily Zoom meeting, team spirit isn’t quite the same with remote working. If you really enjoy being around people, remote working isn’t the one!

So which would you prefer? Work from home… or from office?!

Let me know in the comments below 👇


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