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Can you retract a notice letter? Cancelling your resignation

Want to cancel your notice? Let’s take a look at what your rights are…

Can you retract a notice letter? Cancelling your resignation

Regret handing your notice in? It can be difficult to know when to move jobs. And lots of things can go wrong along the way. Maybe your other job offer fell through. Or maybe you just had a change of heart. If you think you’ve made the wrong decision to leave your job, let’s see what you can do about it.

Can you withdraw a notice letter?

Once your notice letter has been sent, you can’t cancel it. You can write a letter asking to withdraw your notice. But the company doesn’t have to agree with your request. So if you want to hand in your notice, be prepared to stick by your decision!

Tips to write a letter withdrawing your resignation

Speed is everything

Speed is crucial in trying to cancel your resignation. As soon as you tell your company you’re leaving, they’ll probably start looking for someone new. Especially if you’re only on 1 month’s notice period. So the sooner you ask for a cancellation, the better. If they’ve already started the interviews, your chances of keeping your job get slimmer.

Keep it short

Your company doesn’t need to know the ins and outs of your situation. Keep your retraction letter short and to the point. Stick to one A4 page and around 3 paragraphs.

Don’t be entitled

Writing a resignation retraction letter is basically asking for a favour. So always bear that in mind when writing your letter. The company doesn’t have to accept your request. And you’ve probably caused the company some inconvenience. So be sensitive to that and stay polite. Be willing to admit that you made a mistake.

Finish on a positive

Keep the tone of your letter upbeat. Close your letter by ending on a positive note. This could be sharing your hopes about the future. Or perhaps reflecting on the success over the past years.

Example notice retraction letter

“Dear [Manager name],

I am writing to request a cancellation of the notice letter I submitted on [date]. Although I had planned on leaving the company due to [reason for leaving], I would appreciate the opportunity to continue in my role as [job title] since [reason for wanting to stay].

I understand and apologise for the inconvenience this may have caused. However, after working for you for the past 2 years, I sincerely hope to continue my work here at [company name]

I hope you recognise the value I have brought to the company during my tenure, and rest assured my intention is to continue building on this performance for years to come.

Thank you for considering my request. I eagerly await your response.

Yours faithfully,


Keep your fingers crossed

Retracting a notice letter isn’t the easiest thing in the world. You can be left feeling full of regret. But all you can do is apologise and write a sincere letter. The rest is up to your boss! So try to sit back and make the most of whatever happens.

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