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Could you earn more in a different industry? 4 industries compared

Could you be earning more in a different industry, using the same skills? Let’s compare 4 industries.

Could you earn more in a different industry? 4 industries compared

Did you know, some industries pay you more for your skills? Yep, that’s right. Not all industries are born equal! So if you’re feeling underpaid, why not consider changing industries?

In today’s blog, we compare salaries across 4 industries. Those industries are technology, advertising, finance and construction/engineering. Check out which of these industries pays the most.

Salary comparison across 4 industries: advertising, finance, technology, construction/engineering

Which industry pays accountants the most?

The highest paying industry for accountants is surprisingly NOT finance. It’s technology. Advertising pays the lowest. Accounting salaries in advertising only go up to an average of £42,000. But technology salaries go up to an average of £48,000 per annum.

  1. Technology
  2. Construction/engineering
  3. Finance
  4. Advertising

Which industry pays product managers the most?

The highest paying industry for product managers is construction/engineering. Advertising only pays a maximum average of £52,500 per annum. Construction/engineering pays up to an average of £62,500.

  1. Construction/engineering
  2. Finance
  3. Technology
  4. Advertising

Which industry pays sales managers the most?

The highest paying industry for sales managers is technology. But the difference between the industries is small. Finance pays sales managers a maximum average of £40,000. But technology only pays a maximum average of £45,250 per annum.

  1. Technology
  2. Advertising
  3. Construction/engineering 
  4. Finance

Which industry pays project managers the most?

The highest paying industry for project managers is finance. Finance pays project managers a maximum average of £60,000. But advertising only pays a maximum average of £53,000 per year.

  1. Finance
  2. Technology
  3. Construction
  4. Advertising

Which industry pays software engineers the most?

It’s no surprise that the technology industry pays software engineers the most. Software engineers in the tech industry get paid a maximum average of £55,500. But advertising only pays a maximum average of £44,000!

  1. Technology
  2. Construction/engineering
  3. Finance
  4. Advertising

How to know if you’re underpaid

Before you jump ship, do some research about your salary. You could be one of the lucky ones who’s already earning a high salary compared to others. So it might not be in your interest to change industries. You can use salary checkers, check the main job boards or you may want to ask your colleagues about their salary

4 tips for changing industries

Pick an industry you’re interested in

When making a big career move, you want it to last. So it’s important to pick an industry that you have a genuine interest in so you don’t get bored. Hiring managers will also be able to see your genuine passion in the interview. 

Focus on your transferable skills

Transferable skills are the most important thing when writing your CV. You need to show hiring managers that it doesn’t matter if you don’t have experience in their industry. Show them you still have valuable skills to offer!

Talk to people in the industry

It’s hard to tell what an industry’s like before you’ve worked in it. BUT you can talk to people who’re already in the industry. Think about your friends, old school friends or your LinkedIn network. It’s perfectly okay to reach out to someone in the industry for advice. 

Know your worth

It’s easy to get comfortable in a job. But if you want to earn a higher salary, sometimes you need to push yourself outside of your comfort zone. If you want to change industries, just remember to focus on what you do know, not what you don’t know.

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a year ago

Nice work!


a year ago

This article is highly relevant to job seekers in today's market. I appreciate the author's perspective on the current job landscape.

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